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Airports / Spaceports / Consulting Firms / Suppliers

ADK’s heritage stems from our early work in the Airport Industry. Since 2003, we have placed over 400 C-Suite Executives in airports. Over 80 airports in the U.S. are currently led by CEOs placed by ADK.

Our legacy aviation business continues to grow, and is led by noted aviation experienced professionals with direct hands on leadership. Those with direct airport leadership experience are Linda Frankl, A.A.E.; Rod Dinger, A.A.E.; Kenneth Gwyn, A.A.E.; Dan Sprinkle, A.A.E.; Barry Bratton, A.A.E.; Christine Santiago, SHRM-SCP; Nedra Swift, IPMA-CP, SHRM-SCP; Sybil Murphy, SHRM-SPC, CCP, CBP; Gale LaRoche, Ph.D, J.D., SHRM-CP, and Theresia Schatz, A.A.E. With direct airline experience are Doug Kuelpman, Kenneth Gwyn, A.A.E. and Theresia Schatz, A.A.E. Several of our team members are licensed pilots. Collectively, they have amassed over 300 years of direct leadership experience in the industry.

From airports to spaceports to FBOs, ADK has filled more C-Level positions at more airports in the U.S. than any other search firm. Because of our depth of experience, our client list of airports, space ports, aviation consulting firms and suppliers continues to grow. We appreciate every single one and look forward to continuing the relationships.

See our Introduction to ADK and learn more here!

Search Services:

C-Level and Mid-Level Positions

Chief Executive OfficerAir Service DevelopmentInformation TechnologyMarketing
Chief Financial OfficerBusiness DevelopmentFBO ManagerOperations
Chief Human Resources OfficerCommunicationsHuman ResourcesPublic Affairs
Chief Operating OfficerEngineerLegalStrategy

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More Titles of Positions Filled in Aviation
Search Services

Consulting Services:

Organizational Evaluation, Performance Management, Compensation Studies, and other Consulting Services

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