
Number One Statistic to Drive the Aviation Workforce Needs is Reopening of Domestic & International Travel

Chris Santiago ADK Website 2020

June 2, 2021

The America Works Report: Quantifying the Nation’s Workforce Crisis

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce set out to address the workforce shortage that their member companies are facing. The questions asked include how widespread is this issue? What states and what sectors are impacted?

They analyzed more than two decades of federal jobs and employment data and conducted surveys of top industry associations and state and local chamber of commerce leaders.

“The most critical and widespread challenge facing businesses right now is the inability to hire the qualified workers they need,” is one of the key findings as stated in the report. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2021.)

ADK’s Christine Santiago and ACI-NA’s Liying Gu, VP of Economic Affairs and Research participated in the survey for the aviation sector.   Here is what is reported:

In the area of leadership, we are challenged with finding leaders who have the business acumen specific to the airport/aviation industry and who are also able to lead a diverse workforce. Specific and emerging areas that are hardest to fill are executive-level positions in engineering, information technology, and cybersecurity. Diversity of the talent pool remains a challenge. As the airport and aviation sector rebounds from the COVID crisis, the greatest challenge is to rapidly respond to the need to replace the workforce that took early retirement, were laid off, or engaged in alternate employment (consulting or leaving the field). The lack of predictability as to how quickly domestic and international travel will rebound is a challenging metric when it comes to workforce planning. 

Key Stat: The number one statistic that will drive our workforce needs is related to the reopening of domestic and international travel. Domestic travel will rebound first, but the return of international traffic is less predictable due to uneven COVID vaccine policies and availability in various market countries. 

Read the full Industry Perspectives report here:

               The America Works Report: Industry Perspectives

Read the full America Works report here:

               The America Works Report: Quantifying the Nation’s Workforce Crisis

Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (2021, June 1). The America Works Report: Quantifying the Nation’s Workforce Crisis. 1 June [Press Release] Available at: The America Works Report: Quantifying the Nation’s Workforce Crisis
